Hello there, champion of true wellness...
Let us explain: You’ve got about 50 billion neurons in your brain. Every time you have a thought, or information is processed through your five senses, electrical impulses are created in your brain. We're saying, your brain communicates through electrical impulses. The information travels from neuron to neuron. Each neuron possesses the ability to store information and communicate with other neurons. Every time a thought passes from one neuron to another it leaves behind a crystal residue that forms a synaptic neural connection.
The principle of neuroscience is that nerve cells that fire together, wire together. By learning this fact now, you have just created a synaptic connection in your thinking brain, and your brain has physically changed. Amazing!
If you’ve already read the blogpost called How To Be' Healed, then you’ll know that your 50 billion brains cells can be configured differently. Yes, you can choose how your brain fires and wires.
Learning is simply a neural connection experience.
In fact, learning creates communities of synaptic
connections. Through repetition, these connections steadily form neural
pathways, which eventually become neural networks. Ideas; concepts;
memories; beliefs; experiences; skills; behaviors and actions are all neural
networks in your brain.
If we suggest you wake up at 3.55 am to meditate,
you’ll probably have a cadenza, right? That’s only because you don’t have the
neural pathways in your brain to facilitate this thought and action. You’re
neuro-chemically hardwired not to wake up at 4am to meditate. This makes it very difficult for you to modify your behavior.
To adopt this new
behavior, you need to consciously and deliberately reconfigure and upscale your
cerebral architecture. In other words, you have to create new neural pathways
in your brain. You need to forge new neural connections that facilitate a
new way of being - a new you. In other words, you've got to start changing
your mind.
The good news is, becoming a whole, new you is simply a matter of applying the principles of neuro-science.
How To Change Your Ways:
What Did You Learn?
Blogpost Objective:
Call To Action:
changing your mind today.